What are the signs of an anxiety disorder?
What are the signs of an anxiety disorder?
There are a number of different anxiety disorders that affect children and adolescents: Generalized anxiety disorder,
phobias, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.
Generalized anxiety disorder- Youngsters with this disorder experience extreme, unrealistic worry that does not seem to
be related to any recent event. Typically, these young people are very self-conscious, feel tense, have strong need for
reassurance, and complain about stomachaches or other discomforts that don’t appear to have any physical basis.
Phobias- a phobia is an unrealistic and excessive fear of some situation or object. Some phobias, called specific
phobias, center on animals, storms, water, heights, or situations, such as being in an enclosed space. Children and
adolescents with social phobias are terrified of being criticized by others or judged harshly by others. Because young
people with phobias will try to avoid the objects and situations they fear, the disorder can greatly restrict their lives.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder- A child with obsessive-compulsive disorder becomes trapped in a pattern of repetitive
thoughts and behaviors. Even thought the child may agree that the thoughts or behaviors appear senseless and
distressing, the repetitions are very hard to stop. The compulsive behaviors may include repeated hand washing,
counting, or arranging and rearranging objects.
Post-traumatic stress disorder- Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop in children or adolescents after they
experience a very stressful event. Such events may include physical or sexual abuse, being a victim of or witnessing
violence; or being caught in a disaster, such as a bombing or hurricane. Young people with post-traumatic stress
disorder experience the vent again and again in strong memories, flashbacks, or troublesome thoughts. As a result, the
young person may try to avoid anything associated with the trauma. They also overreact when startled or having
difficulty sleeping.